A sensitive method has been developed for the analysis of polyamines based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of their benzoyl dervivatives. Putrescine, spermidine,and spermine can be completely resolved by reversed phase HPLC, isocratic elution with acetonitrile (52%) through a 5 μm C 18 column, and detection at 254 nm. The addition of inter standard hexanediamine resulted in the improvement of precision. The polyamine content in the leaves of rice affected by ultraviolet B (UV B, 280—320 nm) radiation has been detected with HPLC. The results showed that putrescine content in the leaves of rice cultivars IR68 and Dular subjected to UV B radiation (13 0, 19 1 kJ·m -2 ·day -1 ) were significantly increased under two and four weeks treatment. The small increase of spermidine in both cultivars was also observed. However, no remarkable consistent variation in spermine contents affected by UV B in both cultivars was found. Polyamine accumulation in rice subjected to UV B radiation is consistent with similar response to other environment stressors.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences