在 X 射线衍射鉴定的基础上,用透射电镜对福建红黄壤中常见的粘粒矿物的形态特征进行了观察,高岭石呈假六方片状和次圆形片状,大小差异较大,埃洛石呈管状。颗粒大的伊利石呈三角片状或棱角分明的长方片状,有的伊利石呈板条状,次生绿泥石矿物的形态与伊利石相近,呈不同形态的片状,赤铁矿主要以豆状及肾状存在,颗粒较小。针铁矿呈针状或小纺锤状。三水铝石多为小的豆状,鳞片状,有时也呈大的板状。
The morphological characteristics of clay minerals in some soils in Fujian were studied with transmission electron microscope on the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis.Some Kaolinites are pseudo-hexagonal plates,and others are subrounded plates with various size.The morphology of hallogsite is a tubular form.The morphology of illite with large size is a triangular or rectangular plate,the other illites are lath-shaped plates.The shape of pedogenic chlorite is similar to illite.The size of hematite mainly is small and its form is bean-like.The shape of goethite is always needle-like or spindle-like.The form of gibbsite is small bean-like.However,large and thick plates of gibbsite were also found.
clay mineral
red soil
lateritic red soil
yellow soil
morphological characteristics
electron microscope