日产旗下豪华车品牌Infiniti(英菲尼迪)日前宣布,将携旗下明星车型参加于2007年4月22日至28日举行的第十二届上海国际汽车工业展览会。Infiniti (英菲尼迪)明星车型的中国首映,将正式开启Infiniti(英菲尼迪)荣光璀璨的中国之旅。在本次车展上,Infiniti(英菲尼迪)将展出G系列轿车与FX系列SUV两款明星车型,另一款神秘车型也将同步惊艳亮相。届时,中国消费者将首次亲密接触Infiniti(英菲尼迪)的独特的品牌内涵和先进创新的产品。
Nissan Infinti presently declared they will join the 12^th International Automobile & Manufacturing Technology Exhibition with the grand cars,which will be held in April 22-28,2007.Infinit will debut in China for the first time.In this exhibition,Infinit will show two kinds of SUV of G and FX series,another mystic car also will be declared its views in this exhibition.On the occasion,China consumers will touch the particular and innovative car.
Auto Time