“美第奇家族在15世纪为佛罗伦萨的贡献相当于沙奇在20世纪末期为伦敦所作的。”(路易莎·巴克)。去年5月9日晚间在纽约佳士得拍卖公司“战后及当代艺术”拍卖会中有一小幅马琳·杜马(Marlene Dumas)的《覆盖着羽毛的斯朵拉》。作品估价在400.000美元到600.000美元之间.一位电话买家和苏黎世画商Doris Ammann竞争下,价钱一直追到1,192,000美元的高价被电话买主拍下。这幅作品的原主是英国”超级收藏家”沙奇。不到四年之前,2003年6月26号.沙奇在伦敦佳士得拍卖会中以184,450英镑(约340.781美元)拍下这幅作品。这幅作品对伦敦人来说并不陌生.因为两年前(2005年)沙奇在他泰晤士河畔的美术馆所举办的《绘画的盛典》展览中就曾经为这幅作品作过宣传.
In the past forty years, with his strong purchase ability and his influence on media, Saatchi has become a legend in the collection field, and up till now, many artists still consider Saatchi's collection of their works as an important progress in their art career. Saatchi's large purchase of the 1990s British pioneering art works greatly pushed the art market. Saatchi is an unusual collector with the dual identity of collector and art agent. In the art field, the name "Saatchi" is equal to British contemporary art,
Art China