以 V_(20)A,B/测64,V_(20)A,B/26窄早和珍汕97A,B/明恢63为材料,探讨在不同栽培条件下野败胞质对杂交水稻主要农艺性状的影响.结果表明水稻生育环境(氮肥、密度、光温条件等)适宜与否会影响不育胞质对产量及其构成因素的作用程度和方向.不同组合因核质组成不同,对环境的反应特性不同,其最适条件有别.因此,从遗传角度上探讨胞质效应问题,只是在特定的环境下对特定的性状才有效.通过栽培措施调控那些与产量的胞质效应关系存在密切的环境相关或表型相关的农艺性状是克服胞质负效应、发掘增产潜力的主要途径.
The hybrid combinations of V_(20)A,B/Che64,V_(20)A,B/26Zhaishao and Zhenshan97A,B/Minhui 63 were used for the experiment.The results indicated that favorable or unfavorable conditions(nitrunent levels,planting densities and resources of so- lar radiation and temperature ect.)would affect the extent and the direction of cytoplasmic effects on rice grain yield and its components.Because of different,nucleocytoplasmic com- ponents in hybrid combinations the properties their reacting to the environment were differ- ent.From the point of view of genetics,it was effective to study cytoplasmic effect on specif- ic agronomy characteristics under given cultural conditions.It in turn was pointed out that in order to overcome the negative cytoplasmic effect and increased yield,it was an important way to curb the negative effect on some characteristics closely related to yield in correlations of environment and phenotype by cultural practice.
hybrid rice
cultural condition
wild abortive male sterile cytoplasm
cenetic effect