
紫金山风景林外来入侵物种潜在适生性评价 被引量:3

Potential Suitability Assessment of Invasive Alien Species to the Scenic Forests in Zijin Mountain
摘要 减少外来生物入侵造成危害的重要手段是阻止可能造成入侵的物种进入适合其生存的地区.以南京紫金山为研究对象,以3个W EB数据库为主要信息源,通过农业气候相似矩从国内外9种林业入侵物种中筛选出研究区域松材线虫、日本松干蚧、美国白蛾3种潜在的外来入侵生物,并在此基础上收集研究地区数字高程模型、高分辨率卫星遥感数据Q u ickB ird,以地理信息系统软件A rcG is 9.0为空间分析平台,确定影响潜在入侵物种空间分布的主导生物地理因子并数字化为不同的图层,通过图层叠加生成外来入侵物种潜在适生性评价图,从而为具有很高历史文化保护价值地区生物多样性保护措施的制定提供科学依据. The important measure to minimize the damage of invasive species is to block the entry of potential invasive species into suitable areas. Zijin Mountain in Nanjing City is selected as a case study area in the paper. Research materials concerned with biological invasion domestic and abroad are referred to and three WEB databases are used to choose the potential invasive alien species in the study area. Three of them, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, Matsucoccus matsumura and Hyphantria cunea, are selected from 9 species in the WEB databases by means of agricultural climate similarity matrix. Then, DEM and the high resolution satellite image QuickBird on the study area are gathered to research the spatial distribution of the potential invasive species based on the desktop GIS platform ArcGis version 9. Major biological and geographical factors affecting the spatial distribution of alien species are decided and digitalized as different map layers. And finally, the layers are over-laid so as to produce the assessment map for potential spatial suitability, thus providing a scientific basis for biodiversity conservation in regions of high historic and cultural values.
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期99-103,共5页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
基金 北京林业大学省部共建"森林培育与保护"教育部重点实验室开放基金(GJSYS100220402) 国家自然科学基金(30571490)
关键词 景观生态学 外来入侵物种 WEB数据库 地理信息系统 适生性评价 landscape eeology invasive alien s peeies WEB databases GIS suitability assessment
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