
泰南四府民族分裂主义的由来、演变与出路 被引量:7

The Origin, Development, and Solution of Ethnic Splittism in Thailand's Four Southern Provinces
摘要 在当今世界上,民族与宗教问题往往是引发地区骚乱或局部战争的导火线,而且往往与政治、经济问题交织在一起。泰南四府马来族穆斯林民族分裂主义的性质也基本如此。近百年来它始终困扰着泰国政府,尤其是二战以后,泰南穆斯林地区由于宗教、民族矛盾的发展,政治上的不平等和经济上落后等因素,导致要求独立自决的运动一直延绵不断,并由政治斗争发展到武装斗争。特别是在2001年“9.11”事件发生后,泰南四府原来积存的矛盾被重新激活,民族分裂主义分子公开采取了暴力恐怖手段与政治对抗,企图谋求独立,且愈演愈烈,引起了世人的广泛关注。综观泰国历届政府的政策,笔者认为,为了打击南部民族分裂主义势力,仅靠法律手段和政治措施是远远不够的,武装镇压或同化政策也是难以奏效的。为了实现民族团结,社会和谐,国家稳定,首先要承认民族文化、宗教信仰等社会发展的多元性,尊重和保护宗教信仰自由,用政治对话代替武力对抗,用改革政策取代同化政策,加快经济发展,缩小贫富差距,增加人民收入,提高生活水平,做到社会公平、分配公正。青年是国家的未来,要重视和加强对青少年的教育和培养。政府要通过诚意来逐步取得绝大多数穆斯林的理解与支持,不给少数顽固的穆斯林分裂主义者以可乘之机。只有这样,才能逐步铲除南部的民族分裂主义势力,真正实现民族和睦、社会和谐和国家的稳定。 In today's world, ethnic and religious problems are generally interwoven with political and economic issues and, often work as fuses detonating regional turbulence or local wars. Such is the case of Malay-Muslim splittist movements in Thailand's four southern provinces. The problem has been a big headache for Thai government over about a century. Since the end of World War Ⅱ, due to the increasing religious and ethnic contradictions, political disparity and economic backwardness, the Muslim communities in southern Thailand kept on staging movements to seek independence and self-determination, developing from political struggle into armed struggle. In particular, the accumulated contradictions in southern Thailand have been reawakened following the 9/11 Terrorist Attack in 2001. Ethnic splittists openly initiated violent terrorism and political antagonism in an attempt to gain independence, which caused common concern of the world. By reviewing Thai government policies, the author believes that to fight against the southern splittists needs more than lation policy are also hardly effective. The ethnic, legal and political means and, armed suppression and assimireligious and cultural diversity as well as religious freedom should be duly respected and protected in order to realize national unity, social harmony and national stability. Armed antagonism should be replaced by political dialogue, and, assimilation policy by reform policy. Besides,measures should be taken to speed economic development, to narrow down the wealth gap, to increase people's income and, to improve their well-being by establishing a fair and equitable social distribution system. The youth education, however, should be enhanced because youth are nation's future. The government should win understanding of and support from a majority of Muslim groups by demonstrating sincerity, thus preventing a minority of bigoted splittists from taking advantage. Only in this way, can the southern Splittism be gradually rooted up and ethnic solidarity, social harmony and national stability take shape.
作者 岑容林
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期26-32,共7页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 泰南民族分裂 由来 演变 出路 Splittism of Southern Thailand, Origin, Development, Solution
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