
高亲和钾转运体在植物抗盐中的作用 被引量:5

Function of High Affinity K^+ Transporter in the Tolerance of Plant to Salt
摘要 土壤盐渍化是导致作物减产的一项重要原因,Na+对大多数作物是有害的,而钾是植物不可缺少的营养成分,植物根系在外界低钾条件下主要通过高亲和性系统吸收K+。介绍了高亲和钾转运体Trk/HKT和KUP/HAK/KT 2大家族的结构和功能。主要讨论了当植物处于K+饥饿及盐胁迫下,2大家族在改善植物钾营养、提高植物耐盐性方面的作用。 Soil salinity represents an increasing threat to agricultural production. High sodium (Na^+) concentrations in soils are toxic to most crops. On the contrary, potassium is an essential nutrients to plant. High affinity K^+ uptake in root of higher plant can be induced when plants are deprived of potassium. The review focused on the feature and functions of two high affinity K^+ transporter family. Trk/HKT and KUP/HAK/KT,especially in their function of the ability-improving of the tolerance of plant to salt and potassium nutrition.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第12期3470-3474,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 高亲和性钾转运体 Trk/HKT KUP/HAK/KT K^+ Na^+均衡 抗盐 High affinity K^+ transporter Trk/HKT KUP/HAK/KT family Balance of K^+ and Na^+ Salt-tolerance
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