We are the first in P.R. China to study systematically the effect of strain rate on hot cracking of welds, using advanced technology. We found that, in hot cracking of highstrength steel welds, the strain rate influences significantly the follwing items: (1) the rate of crack propagation, (2) the fracture morphology and its four different types of regions, (3) the formation mechanism of each type of region. The SEM pictures in Fig.1 show the four types of regions of the fracture surface: Fig.1(a), Atype (arant); Fig.1(b), Dtype (dendrite); Fig.1(c), DF type (dendriteflat); Fig.1(d), Ftype (flat). Using highspeed photography and data processing and analyzing the results so obtained, we found that strain rate influences significantly but quite differently the crackpropagation rates in the four regions. After careful analysis, we deem that the effect of strainrate on crack propagation is due to that high strainrate facilitates innergrain deformation and thus increases the ability of steel to deform under high temperature. SEM pictures in Fig.2 show the marked difference of the four regions under two different strain rates: the relatively high 19%·s -1 (Fig.2(a)) and the usual 11%·s -1 (Fig.2(b)).
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University