
一种基于群签名的匿名数字指纹方案 被引量:1

An Anonymous Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Group Signature
摘要 匿名数字指纹使用户可以在不向发行商泄露身份的情况下购买数字产品,而且,一旦发行商发现非法分发的拷贝,他仍然可以获得该非法用户的身份并起诉该用户。群签名允许任意一个群成员代表群进行匿名签名,如果发生争执,群管理员能够打开签名来揭示签名者的真实身份。本文基于一个安全的能抵抗联合攻击的群签名方案构造了一个匿名数字指纹方案。 An anonymous fingerprinting scheme allows a buyer to purchase digital goods without revealing her identity to the merchant. However,as soon as the merchant finds a sold version that has been illegally distributed,he is able to retrieve a buyer's identity and take her to court. A group signature scheme allows a group member to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group. However, in case of a dispute, the identity of a signature's originator can be revealed only by a designated entity. In this paper, a new anonymous fingerprinting scheme based on group signature is proposed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期56-57,82,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60473072)
关键词 匿名指纹 群签名 可撤销匿名性 数字产品 Anonymous fingerprinting, Group signature schemes, Revocable anonymity, Digital goods
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