

Software Reuse Capability Assessment:A Process Improvement Oriented Method
摘要 面向复用和基于构件的开发方法已经成为新的软件开发范例,许多企业也已经或计划引入这种新的软件开发方式。与一般的过程能力改进一样,这些企业也面临着如何评估自身当前软件复用能力从而制定下一步改进计划的问题。然而,当前流行的CMM/CMMI以及SPICE等过程标准都缺少面向复用和构件化开发过程的剪裁和定制,这在一定程度上阻碍了软件企业采用新的基于复用的开发方法。本文对软件复用能力评估和改进相关的工业实践和研究情况进行了总结,在此基础上提出了一种系统的软件复用能力评估框架。该框架为企业面向复用的开发过程提供了一种阶段式的评估框架,因此可以为企业面向复用能力的过程改进提供相应的指导和决策依据。本文还对软件复用能力评估框架的实施过程进行了探讨。 Reuse-based development and component-based development are becoming the new development paradigm, and have been used or planned to use by many organizations. However, as other improvement on process, there is a regular problem that how to assess the capability and make the improvement plan. The popular methods as CMM/CMMI/SPICE lack the ability to assess the RBD and CBD process, and it becomes a barrier for these organizations to use new method to execute reuse. The authors survey the current status on software reuse researches, and provide a staged software reuse capability assessment model to assess an organization's reuse capability which can guide the organizations to perform the reuse-based process improvement. Moreover, some implementation issues are brought out to help the organizations to use this model.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期271-275,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家863计划(课题编号2004AA113030 2005AA113120) 国家自然科学基金(批准号60473061) 上海市科委科技攻关项目(项目号04DZ15022)资助
关键词 软件复用 过程改进 复用能力 Software reuse, Process improvement, Reuse capability
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