

Research Overview of Information Increasing Mechanism in Inner Cognitive Mechanism of Knowledge Discovery
摘要 基于内在认知机理的知识发现理论研究基础,宏观地描述了其核心内容之一-信息扩张机制的内涵及主要研究内容,给出了动态挖掘进程规律的部分成果,详细阐述了参数演化规律及矛盾域的分布规律,揭示了动态(在线)挖掘进程中潜在的本质、规律与复杂性,为进一步解决海量数据、动态数据给挖掘进程带来的本质的、极富挑战性的难题奠定了较为坚实的理论基础。 On the basis of research on knowledge discovery theory based on inner cognition mechanism, this paper described one of the kernel contents, which was the connotation and main content of information increasing mechanism, and gave the part production of dynamic mining process regulation. The regulations of parameter evolvement and contradiction field distribution were exhausted in detail, the potential essence, regulation and complexity were revealed in the process of dynamic mining. It established the solid theory basis for solving the essential and challenging problem in the process of sponge data mining and dynamic data mining.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期192-195,230,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(69835001) 教育部科技重点项目(教技司[2000]175) 北京市自然科学基金项目(4022008)资助
关键词 知识发现 信息扩张机制 参数演化 矛盾域 Knowledge discovery, Information increasing mechanism, Parameter evolvement, Contradiction domain, Information entropy
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