
进口产品倾销与我国对外反倾销实施现状分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the Current Situation of Imported-product Dumping and Antidumping in Our Country
摘要 中国从2001年12月11日正式成为WTO成员国,在反倾销领域面临巨大挑战。分析研究我国面临的反倾销形势,均衡利弊利用好反倾销这把法律之剑,一方面可以有效地反击进口产品的倾销,保护国内产业,另一方面可以形成制度威慑,通过“冷战均衡”达到“以战止战”的目的,防止他国对我国出口产品滥用反倾销的手段。 In December 11,2001, China became a member of WTO. From then on, China has being facing huge challenges in the field of anti-dumping. Under such circumstances, it is particularly important to make a deep study in WTO Anti-dumping Agreement and elaborate the anti-dumping law in line with our national interests. On one hand, it can effectively counter the dumping of imported products to protect domestic industries; on the other hand, through the theory of "Cold War balance", it may aimed to prevent other countries from abusing anti -dumcing measures.
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2007年第2期35-38,64,共5页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
关键词 进口产品 倾销 反倾销 imported-product dumping anti-dumping
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  • 1王名扬.《美国行政法》[M].中国法制出版社,1998年版.第987-988页.
  • 2Pierre Didier: "WTO Trade Instruments in EU Law(Commercial Policy Instruments: Dumping Susidies Safeguards Public Procurement)", Cameron May, pp. 184.
  • 3Dyson Magnetics v. Commission, case T - 134/95, order of 14.3. 1996, ECR 1996 - 1/2/3, p. Ⅱ - 183.
  • 4Blackspur DIY and Others v. Council, case T - 168/94, judgement of 18 September 1995, ECR 1995 -9, p. Ⅱ -2627, confirmed on appeal(case C - 362/95 P, judgment of 16 September 1997, ECR 1997 - 8/9, p. Ⅰ - 4775, Srr also Detlef Nolle[ref. cit].
  • 5"DUMPING AND SUBSIDIES: The Law and Procedures Governing the Imposition of Anti - dumping and Countervailing Duties in the European Community" (third edition), by Clive Stanbrook, O. B. E.,Q. C. and Philip Bentley, Q. C., Kluwer Law International, p. 209.
  • 6John H. Jackson, Dumping in International Trade: Its Meaning and Context, in ANTIDUMPING LAW AND PRACTICE 2 - 3(John H. Jackson & Edwin A. Vermulst., 1989); Thomas v. Vakerics et al., antidumping, Countervailing Duty, and Other Trade Actions 23 - 193.
  • 7Case 191/82, FEDIOL v Commission, [1983] ECR 276.
  • 8Joined Case 239/82 and 275/82, Allied and others v Commission, [1984]ECR 1005.
  • 9Case 113/77, NTN Toyo Bearing Company Ltd. V Council, [1979] ECR 1185; Case C - 305/86, Neotype Techmashexort GabH v Commission and Council, [1990]ECR I - 2945.
  • 10Case 264/82, Timex v Council and Commission, [1985]ECR849; Case 53/83, Allied and others v Commission, [1985]ECR 1621.












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