
基于改进的粒子系统的火焰模拟 被引量:5

Flame simulation based on improved particle system
摘要 在总结了国内外学者所建立的各种火焰模拟方法的基础上,基于粒子系统模型,对传统粒子系统的火焰模型进行了一些改进。详细讨论了改进后控制参数和函数的由来和设置,并研究了各个控制参数对于火焰效果的影响。同时,也拥有对风等外界影响因素的丰富体现力,在一定程度上克服了随机性,能够生成不同形态的火焰燃烧的情景。最后给出了一些已经实现的火焰效果。 Foundations of various flames model that domestic and international scholar building up are summarized, and some ameliorates are bring forward on the bases of particles system method. Each control parameters' origin and there structure are discussed in detail, and different control parameters' influence toward to the flames result is studied. At the mean time, the abundant expressive force that correspond to the external world influence factor of the breeze is holed, and this model can build different flame scene. At the end, some flames result are presented.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1867-1869,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 火焰 火焰模拟 粒子系统 无规则物体 实时模拟 flame flame simulation particle system fuzzy objects real-timesimulation
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