
台北故宫馆藏赵开美本《仲景全书》护页题记作者考 被引量:6

Textual research on the author of manuscript prefaces in Zhao Kaimei's version of Zhong Jing Quan Shu collected at the Library of Palace Museum in Talpei
摘要 明代赵开美本《仲景全书》,因其中《伤寒论》部分被认为是现存最接近北宋本的版本而受到重视。台北故宫博物院所藏的《仲景全书》原刊本,在首册的护页,有两则手书题记,题记作者声称拥有北宋治平官刊大字景写本《伤寒论》,这是首次显示此重要文献存世的记录。此题记曾先后引起数位中日学者的注意,但其作者为何人,始终未能得以确认。经由考察《仲景全书》原件,以及考证题记内容及藏印,确认了清末的徐坊即为题记的作者。此研究结果将有助于探寻治平官刊大字景写本《伤寒论》这一珍贵版本的踪迹,未来或有机会为《伤寒论》的版本学及文献学的内容增添新页。 Zhong Jing Quan Shu(Zhongiing's Complete Book) published by Zhao Kaimei in the Ming dynasty is very important. In our understanding, the part of this book named Shang Han Lun( Treatise on Exogenous Cold Diseases) has been thought that the edition could be possibly the most similar to that oflhe edition of the Northern Song dynasty. Therefore, there are two manuscript prefaces found in the Zhong Jing Quan Shu collected at the Library of Palace Museum in Taipei, The message from the writer of the manuscript who owned facsimile handwritten copy of the official Northern Song large-character edition of Shang Han Lun. This is the first time to reveal that a paper record has been kept in the world now since the Ming dynasty. That is the reason why the edition has always been thought so much important to the world now. These manuscript prefaces quite often attracted the attention of the Chinese and Japanese scholars, but none of them could identify who the writer was. And after a thorough reading of the original work, investigating the inscriptions, and checking the seals, we finally identified the writer to be Xu Fang, in late Qing dynasty. The result of this study might be helpful to research the tracing of the valuable facsimile handwritten copy of the official Northern Song large-character edition of Shang Han Lun, and also would be possible to give some new ideas and make new contents of Shang Han Lun to the studies of bibliography and editions in the future.
机构地区 中国医药大学 [
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2007年第2期98-103,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
关键词 仲景全书 伤寒论 宋版伤寒论 治平官刊大字景写本伤寒论 徐坊 Zhong Jing Qnan Shu ( Zhong]ing's Complete Book) Shang Han Lun ( Treatise on Exogenous Cold Diseases) Northern Song edition of Shang Han Lun facsimile handwritten copy of the official Northern Song large-character edition of Shang Han Lun XU Fang
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