The ideal formula for chevkinite can be expressed as A4BC2D2Si4O22. It is important to determine the valence state and site occupation proportions for Fe among the B, C, and D octahedral sites as it may help to identify different species in the chevkinite group. Non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce) from Mianxi alkali feldspar-granite, Sichuan Province, China, was investigated using Moessbauer spectroscopy. The Fe^3+/∑Fe ratio was 39.2%. A significant increase of Fe^3+ occured during metamictization and annealing for chevkinite-group minerals. In metamict samples Fe tended to lower coordination, According to the correlation between bond length and isomer shift (IS), the quadrupole doublets with IS = 1.10 and 0.94 mm·s^-1 can be assigned to Fe^2+ in the B and C octahedral sites, respectively. Based on the correlation between octahedral distortion and quadrupole splitting (QS), the quadrupole doublets with QS = 0.86 and 0.77 mm·s^-1 can be assigned to Fe^3+ in the C and D sites, respectively. The simplified formula can be revised as: Ce4Fe^2+ (Ti, Fe^2+, Fe^3+ )2(Ti, Fe^3+ )2Si4(O,OH)22. It indicated that the non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce) belonged to Fe^2+ end member of the chevkinite group because Fe^2+ was the predominant component in the B site.
The ideal formula for chevkinite can be expressed as A4BC2D2Si4O22. It is important to determine the valence state and site occupation proportions for Fe among the B, C, and D octahedral sites as it may help to identify different species in the chevkinite group. Non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce) from Mianxi alkali feldspar-granite, Sichuan Province, China, was investigated using Moessbauer spectroscopy. The Fe^3+/∑Fe ratio was 39.2%. A significant increase of Fe^3+ occured during metamictization and annealing for chevkinite-group minerals. In metamict samples Fe tended to lower coordination, According to the correlation between bond length and isomer shift (IS), the quadrupole doublets with IS = 1.10 and 0.94 mm·s^-1 can be assigned to Fe^2+ in the B and C octahedral sites, respectively. Based on the correlation between octahedral distortion and quadrupole splitting (QS), the quadrupole doublets with QS = 0.86 and 0.77 mm·s^-1 can be assigned to Fe^3+ in the C and D sites, respectively. The simplified formula can be revised as: Ce4Fe^2+ (Ti, Fe^2+, Fe^3+ )2(Ti, Fe^3+ )2Si4(O,OH)22. It indicated that the non-metamict chevkinite-(Ce) belonged to Fe^2+ end member of the chevkinite group because Fe^2+ was the predominant component in the B site.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40572029)