1[1]美国教育数据中心(NCES).Internet Access in U.S.Public Schools and Classrooms:1994-2000[R].2.
2[18]英文名称为"Competitive Neutrality",这里的意思是"universal service support mechanisms and rules neither unfairly advantage nor disadvantage one provider over another, and neither unfairly favor nor disfavor one technology over another". 通过这个原则, 将"to facilitate a market- based process whereby each user comes to be served by the most efficient technology and carrier".
4[21]这8个服务是"single - party service; voice grade access to the public switched network; DTMF signaling or its functional equivalent; access to emergency services; access to operator services; access to interexchange service; access to directory assistance; and toll limitation services for qualifying low- income consumers".
5[22]几个影响因素主要有"subscribershiplevel,local calling area,consumerincomelevels,cost of living and population density,legitimate local variations in rate design"等.
6e-Learning:Putting a World-Class Education at the Fingertips of All Children, U. S Department of Education[DB/OL]. http://www. ed. gov/technology/elearning/index. htlm. 2000,12.
7Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms : 1994-2000, National Center For Education Statistics[DB/OL]. http://www. ed. gov/technology.2001,5.
8Budget News- U.S. Department of Education [DB/OL]. http ://www. ed. gov/offices/ous/budnews, html # FY2001.
9The CEO Forum-School Technology and Readiness Report [DB/OL]. http ://www. ceoforum, org/ 2001,6.