Observation on the intestinal bacteria translocation to a number of internal viscera in 36 mice suffered from acute strangulated intestinal obstruction. Qualitative bacteriology studies were made at 15rain to 2 hours time intervals on peritoneal fluid, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)liver, pleen, heart blood, and Lung. At 15min period, more than 50% of the specimens were cultured positive, whereas at 2 hours preiod 100% of the MLN and liver were cultured positive. Strains of bacteria identified predominantly were that of E. coli, B, fragilis group, Enterococcus and some anaergbi cocci. No difference was obsrved for the aerobes whe- reas for the anaerobes, translocation was observed to be definitely bighter in the 15, 60 and-120min, than that in the 30 and 90min groups. MLN listed highest in incidence, followed by liver, spleen and peritoneal fluid.
intestional obstruction
bacterial translocation