
水声共形阵辐射指向性计算方法及其实验验证 被引量:9

Directivity calculation with experimental verification for a conformal array of underwater acoustic transducers
摘要 用边界元方法,给出了水声发射换能器共形阵各阵元的单元指向性以及基阵的自然波束指向性和束控波束指向性。首先建立了换能器共形阵的边界元模型,并根据换能器结构和声传播介质建立了模型的边界条件,计算了其辐射指向性。然后在消声水池中对共形阵各阵元以及基阵的辐射指向性进行了实验测量。将理论计算结果与实验测量结果进行了对比,二者吻合得比较好。研究结果表明:基于边界元方法建立的模型及计算方法,对基阵的辐射指向性进行理论计算和预报是可行的。 Abstract The radiation directivity of a complicated conformal array of underwater acoustic transducers is presented based on the boundary element method. It includes the element directivity of each transducer, the natural beam pattern and the controlled beam pattern of the transducer array. At first, the boundary element model of the conformal array is built up, and then the boundary condition is exerted on the model according to the design and environment in which the transducer array is used, and the radiation directivity of the conformal array is calculated. An experiment has been done to measure the directivity in an anechoic water tank. The calculated and the experimental results are compared and analyzed. They are consistent to each other. It is shown that the boundary element method together with the detailed calculations is successful to simulate and predict the radiation directivity of an underwater acoustic transducer array.
出处 《声学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期270-274,共5页 Acta Acustica
关键词 计算方法 实验测量 指向性 共形阵 辐射 水声 边界元方法 发射换能器 Acoustic arrays Boundary conditions Boundary element method Underwater acoustics Water tanks
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