A Lower Bound for the Differences of Powers of Linear Operators
A Lower Bound for the Differences of Powers of Linear Operators
Let T be a bounded linear operator in a Banach space, with σ(T)={1}. In 1983, Esterle-Berkani' s conjecture was proposed for the decay of differences (I - T) T^n as follows: Eitheror lim inf (n→∞(n+1)||(I-T)T^n||≥1/e or T = I. We prove this claim and discuss some of its consequences.
Let T be a bounded linear operator in a Banach space, with σ(T)={1}. In 1983, Esterle-Berkani' s conjecture was proposed for the decay of differences (I - T) T^n as follows: Eitheror lim inf (n→∞(n+1)||(I-T)T^n||≥1/e or T = I. We prove this claim and discuss some of its consequences.
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2蒋笑笑,巩龙龙,黄磊.低功率激光调节脂肪细胞内ERK与Akt促进甘油三酯的合成[J].中国激光,2013,40(12):113-117. 被引量:2