
贵州省土地利用空间结构分析 被引量:1

Spatial Structure Analysis of Land Use of Guizhou Province
摘要 综合运用GIS技术和景观生态学方法,以贵州省九个地级行政单元为研究对象,分析了贵州省土地利用的空间结构特征,进而,结合贵州省特殊省情——喀斯特石漠化的发育,建立了喀斯特石漠化与景观指数之间相关关系。所得基本结论为:(1)贵州省北部和西部地区景观破碎严重;南部和西南部斑块形状相对规则;东部和北部的景观连接度高;九个地区景观多样性和景观均匀度基本相等,景观多样性较低,景观分布较均匀;东部和西部土地利用的空间镶嵌结构最复杂,稳定性最强;从南到北中部狭长的一条带上,土地利用的空间镶嵌结构最简单,稳定性最弱。(2)潜在以上石漠化与耕地景观形状指数、景观多样性指数和斑块数量之间存在相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.8375、0.5713和0.8676,说明耕地景观形状越简单、景观多样性越高、斑块数量越多,石漠化的分布就相应越广泛。 By using GIS and landscape ecology theory, the spatial structure character of land use of Guizhou province has been analyzed in this paper. The result shows that landscape fragmentation in the North and West Guizhou occur seriously, the patch shape of the South and Southwest Guizhou is relatively regular, the landscape connectivity emerge highly in the East and North Guizhou, the diversity and evenness indexes of every district are almost the same, diversity and evenness of landscapes appear low and highest, the inlay structure of land use of East and West Guizhou is the most complicate, and the stability is also the highest, the inlay structure of land use of the East and West is the most simple, and the stability is also the lowest in the strait and long strip from the South to the North Guizhou. Combining with the especial circs of Guizhou where karst rocky desertification is extensive distributed, the relationship between Karst rocky desertification and landscape index is established. The result shows that karst rocky desertification including potential, lowgrade, middling and intensity is related with landscape shape index of plough, landscape diversity indexes and patch number, and the modulus are -0. 8375, 0. 5713 and 0. 8676. It also indicates that simpler the landscape shape index of plough, the higher the landscape diversity and more patch number that will lead to the wider distribution of rocky desertification. It provides a scientific gist with predicting and preventing from karst rocky desertification in reference.
出处 《贵州地质》 2007年第1期47-54,共8页 Guizhou Geology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40335046) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(40301002)
关键词 贵州 土地利用 空间结构 Guizhou land use spatial structure
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