
从视频到Flash矢量动画的自动转换 被引量:2

Automatic Conversion from Video Clip to Flash Animation
摘要 提出一种自动将视频转换成矢量动画的算法,首先修改密度函数的计算方法,改进了均值漂移算法,对整个视频进行颜色分割,得到三维视频分割结果;然后通过边界追踪算法,用Bézier曲线表示边界,完成色块边界平滑和矢量化.设计人员可以在此基础上进行修改,使得非专业人员也能制作出复杂的Flash动画. This paper describes an automatic framework to convert a video clip to a vectorized animation. First the whole video is segmented by an improved Anisotropic Kernel Mean Shift algorithm where the computation of density function has been refined, and 3D segmentations of the video are obtained. Then by contouring tracking, and representation by Bezier curves, the color patches are retrieved. Finally the color patches are smoothed between frames to produce a continuous vectorized animation. By a little editing on this conversion result, non-professional designers can produce complex and nice Flash animations.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期667-671,共5页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家"九七三"重点基础研究发展规划项目(2006CB303106) 教育部博士点基金(20060003057)
关键词 均值漂移 视频矢量化 密度函数 BÉZIER曲线 anisotropic kernel mean shift video vectorization density function fitting Bezier curves
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