目的 探讨失眠症患者苯二氮卓类(BZD)药物依赖的人格特征和应付方式。方法 采用多导睡眠图、明尼苏达多相人格问卷(MMPI)、应付方式问卷对符合CCMD-3诊断标准的20例失眠症药物依赖组和20例非药物依赖组进行测评,并与20名正常人比较。结果 (1)失眠症组睡眠效率则明显低于对照组[(66.5±7.34)min,(86.45±6.58)min,P〈0.01],药物依赖组REM睡眠时间明显低于非依赖组[(27.40±7.67)min,(44.30±12.91)min,P〈0.05]。(2)失眠症组MMPI量表评定,2组在Hs、D、Hy、Pd、Pa、Pt的T分显著高于正常对照组(P〈0.01),但2组比较差异无显著性(P(0.05)。(3)应付方式中失眠症组不成熟应付方式高于对照组、成熟应付方式低于对照组低于(P〈0.01)。依赖组和非依赖组比较,解决问题[(0.51±0.13)分,(0.63±0.14)分]、求助低于非依赖组,自责、幻想、退避评分高于非依赖组(P(0.05~0.01)。结论 失眠与患者人格特征关系密切,不成熟的应付方式与BZD药物依赖的形成有关。
Objective To explore the personality faetor and coping styles and sleep quality in BZC drug dependence insomnia. Methods Twenty BZD dependence with patients and Twenty non-dependence with patients met the criteria of CCMD-3 on insomnia and twenty normal eontrols were evaluated with the polysomnographic (PSG) ,Coping styles Questionnaire (CSQ) and Minnesota Muluphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) . Results (1)There were signifieant differences of sleep efficiency between the patients with insomnia and normal control(66. 5 ± 7.34,86.45 ±6.58, P 〈 0.01 ) , and REM sleep of dependence group that than lower non-dependence group ( 27.40 ± 7.67,44.30 ± 12.91, P〈 0.05 ). (2)The score of MMPI of insomnia patients were higher than that of the controls in Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Pa and Pt ( P 〈 0.01 ), There were no significant differences between dependence and non-dependence groups in MMPI( P 〈 0.05). (3)There was a significant difference on maturate and immature coping style in patients with insonmia and normal control ( P 〈 0.01 ). The scores of solving problem (0.51 ±0.13, 0.63 ±0.14) and seeking for help subscales in coping style ,*ere lower in the dependence group; The scores of self-accusation fantasy and winee of dependence patient was higher than that of non-dependence patient with insomnia ( P 〈 0.05 -0.01 ). Conclusion Insomnia has a close relationship with personality patterns, and immature coping style has influence on the development of BZD drag dependence with insomnia.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
Sleep quality
Coping style: Personality patterns