目的 探索公交系统遭受恐怖袭击对受害者、家属心理状态的影响。方法 在公交车爆炸事件后第20天和第44天对72人(其中受害者27人,家属26人,市民19人)进行了灾害自评量表(SRQ-20)、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)测评量表(PCL-17)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、应付方式量表(CSS)等调查。结果 受害者与家属的ASD(急性应激障碍)发生率分别为50%、12.5%;PTSD的发生率分别为33.33%、25%;女性PTSD的发生率(46%)与SAS、SDS的评分显著高于男性(16.7%);而市民中无一人符合DSM-IV的ASD或PTSD诊断标准;女性的PTSD总分及SAS、SDS的评分显著高于男性(P〈0.05,P〈0.05,P〈0.01);烧伤的面积和深度与PTSD过度唤起评分正相关(r=0.589,P=0.016);受害者的应付方式与PTSD总分负相关(r=-0.523,P〈0.05);受害者的SAS、SDS、SRQ评分与PTSD总分显著相关(r=0.853,0.787,0.745,P〈0.01);年龄、受教育程度与PTSD总分无显著相关。结论在公交系统受恐怖袭击的爆炸事件对受害者及其家属的心理状态造成显著的影响,女性受影响的比率、程度比男性更为显著;与PTSD高相关的因素为预防和减轻PTSD提示了可能的途径。
Objective To investigate the incidents of post traumatic symptoms after a terrorist attack on the public traffic system. Method On 20th day and 44th day after a blast on a civilian bus,72 people ( victims, age and sex matched civilians, relations of victims ; n = 27,26,19) were interviewed. The following questionnaires were used: Self-rating Questionnaire -20 (SRQ-20), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist Civilian Version-17 (PCL-17), Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), Coping Style Scale (CSS). Results The probabilities to generate Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) on victims and their relations are 50% and 12.5% ( n = 1 ) respectively on the 20th day, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are 33.33% and 25% on the 44th day. No civilians meet the ASD or PTSD diagnoses of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV). The generation probability of PTSD is higher in the female (46%) than in the male ( 16.7% ). The medicine score of PCL-17, SAS and SDS is higher in the female than in the male also ( P〈0.05 or P〈0.01). The degree of burned body surface of victims is positively correlated with the score of persistent symptoms of increased arousal in PCL-17 ( n = 16, Pearson Correlation = 0. 589, P = 0. 016). Conclusion The psychology and behavior of the victims and their relations are significantly influenced. The generation probability and degree in female are much higher than in male. The high relation depended on PTSD means a possible resolution way to prevent and reduce PTSD in the accident terrorist attack.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science