
SFOBACU工艺用于城市污水深度处理研究 被引量:2

Advanced Treatment of City Sewage Disposal Plant by SFOBACU Technology
摘要 采用砂滤-臭氧-生物活性炭-紫外线(SFOBACU)工艺在某污水处理厂开展了以污水再生回用为目的的城市污水深度处理中试研究.采用预氧化和充分曝气,加强生物活性炭(BAC)柱对氨氮和有机物的去除能力.研究表明:在臭氧消耗量为5.0~6.7mg/L、接触时间为20min、生物活性炭空床停留时间为20 min时,出水NH_4^+-N、TOC、COD_(Mn)的质量浓度平均值分别为15、6.3、6.7mg/L,浊度为1.5NTU,UV254平均值为0.08cm^(-1),色度小于1倍.NO_2^--N质量浓度小于0.5mg/L,pH值在7左右,细菌总数和大肠杆菌总数为0,出水水质达到再生回用标准;生态毒性试验umu检测蛄果为阴性,致癌风险下降了91.8%.整个工艺有效保证了再生水回用的生态安全性,是一种有效的城市污水再生利用工艺. Advanced treatment of secondary effluent of city sewage disposal plant was conducted for water reclamation with a process of sand filter, ozone, biological activated carbon filter followed by ultraviolet (SFOBACU) in pilot scale. The removal efficiencies of TOC and NH4^+-N of BAC were strengthened by supplying air and preozonation. With an average contact time of 20 min at ozone wastage of 5. 0~6.7 mg/L, and BAC column at EBCT of 20 min, the average concentration of NH4^+-N, TOC, CODMn, turbidity, UV254 in effluent were 15, 6.3, 6.7 mg/L, 1.5 NTU, 0.08 cm^-1 respectively and chroma was less than 1 cu, concentration of NO2^--N was less than 0. 5 mg/L, pH was about 7, total bacterium and coliform of effluent were zero, so the effluent quality met the water quality standard of recycling water. The effluent was negative by umu-test and its cancer risk reduced 91.8%. The security of environment of effluent was ensured by whole treatment. The technology of municipal wastewater reclamation was effective.
出处 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期31-35,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 福建省自然科学基金(C0510007) 福建省科技厅基金(A991009)
关键词 城市污水 深度处理 回用 臭氧 生物活性炭 紫外线 municipal wastewater advanced treatment reclamation ozone biological activated carbon ultraviolet
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