Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT) of the uterus is a rare tumor introduced recently, which is distinct from placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) and choriocarcinoma with the histological appearance of resembling low-grade squamous cell carcinomas. Definition and treatment of this disease is still not very clear because of its very low incidence and epithelioid trophoblastic lesions. ETT generally behaves in a benign fashion with metastatic and death rates about 25% and 10%, respectively, Here we report three cases of ETT, in which one had metastasis and eventually died from the disease.
Eoithelioid trophoblastic tumor(ETT)of the uterus isa rare tumor introduced recently,which is distinctfrom placental site trophoblastic tumor(PSTT)andchoriocarcinoma with the histological appearance ofresembling low-grade squamous cell carcinomas.Definition and treatment of this disease is still not veryclear because of its very low incidence and epithelioidtrophoblastic lesions.ETT generally behaves in a benignfashion with metastatic and death rates about 25% and10%,respectively.Here we report three cases of ETT,in which one had metastasis and eventually died from thedisease.