
雷帕霉素抑制兔自体移植静脉内膜过度增殖 被引量:1

Local application of rapamycin inhibits neointimal hyperplasia in experimental vein grafts
摘要 目的观察血管周围局部应用雷帕霉素对兔自体移植静脉段内膜过度增殖的抑制作用。方法大耳白兔15只,采用自身对照设计建模。任取一侧静脉桥为干预组,外涂含0·3mg雷帕霉素的Pluronic凝胶;另一侧为对照组,外涂空凝胶。4周后测桥静脉内膜厚度、细胞的增殖指数及p27kip1免疫组化阳性细胞数。结果干预组桥静脉内膜厚度为(63·7±14·0)μm,明显少于对照组的(77·8±14·9)μm(P<0·05)。增殖指数,干预组为29·3±7·2,明显高于对照组的20·1±9·5(P<0·05)。p27kip1免疫组化染色在干预组见有阳性表达细胞,而对照组表达呈阴性。结论血管周围局部应用雷帕霉素具有抑制兔移植静脉内膜过度增殖的作用;这种作用与p27kip1的上调表达有关。 Objective To investigate whether rapamycin can reduce neointima formation in a rabbit model of vein grafts. Methods Each of 15 rabbits received a test and a control graft. On the test graft, 0. 3 mg of rapamycin in pluronic gel was applied locally. The control graft received pluronic gel only. Grafts were harvested 4 weeks later and underwent morphometric analysis, immunohistochemical analysis as well as flow cytometry analysis. Results In control group, intimal thickness was significantly less than that in test group (63.7±14. 0 vs. 77.8±14. 9 μm) (P〈0. 05). The progression indices of control group and test group were 29. 3±7. 2 and 20. 1±9. 5, respectively(P〈0. 05). The reduction of intimal thickness was associated with the expression of p27^kipl positive cells in the rapamycin treated grafts(P〈0. 05). Conclusion Perivascular application of rapamycin inhibits neointimal hyperplasia of vein grafts in rabbits, which results from increasing of p27^kipl expression.
出处 《江苏医药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期500-502,F0003,共4页 Jiangsu Medical Journal
基金 南通市科委资助项目(s30037)
关键词 雷帕霉素 移植静脉 再狭窄 Rapamycin Vein graft Restenosis
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