
应用辅助沟通系统促进自闭症儿童语言和沟通能力的发展 被引量:14

Improvement of language and communication ability in children with autism by assistant communication system
摘要 目的:以文献研究的方法探讨应用计算机和电子技术进行图片及符号与语言转换的辅助沟通技术对自闭症儿童沟通和语言能力所起的作用。资料来源:应用计算机检索CNKI,台湾中文期刊服务网和台湾博硕士论文信息网在1997-01/2006-12与自闭症和辅助沟通相关的文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“辅助沟通、自闭症、语言”;同时检索ProQuest Psychology Journals、Education Resources Information Center和Medline在1997-01/2006-12期间相关的文章,限定文章语言种类为“English”,检索词“Augmentative and alternative communication、autism、language”。并查询与语言和沟通障碍相关的书籍和文献。资料选择:选择与自闭症语言障碍成因和辅助沟通技术在自闭症儿童语言发展中应用的文章,无论是否有对照组均纳入。资料提炼:将检索到的文章进一步查找全文,排除重复研究,纳入32篇为参考文献。文献中有24篇是探讨辅助沟通技术对自闭症儿童语言和沟通能力的作用的实验,涉及到92个个案,其中有21篇的结果表明辅助沟通技术对自闭症儿童的语言和沟通能力有促进作用,另外3篇的结论相反。资料综合:语言障碍是自闭症患者的核心障碍之一。辅助沟通技术是利用现代的计算机和电子技术,通过图片和符号与语音进行转换等方式,将沟通障碍者的信息传递给他人,实现与人交流的功能。辅助沟通技术的理念就是在自然情境中融入沟通的思维和方法,增加他们学习语言的动机,并提高其沟通的效率和准确度。结论:在教育和康复的临床实践中,可以利用辅助沟通技术来提高自闭症儿童的语言能力。 OBJECTIVE: This investigation discusses the effect of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) based on computer and electric technique to the children with autism through the documentary research. DATA SOURCES: The researchers used computer to search the articles related to autism and AAC in CNKI, Chinese Electronic Periodical Services and Electronic Theses and Dissertations System form January 1997 to December 2006. The key words were "Augmentative and alternative communication, autism, language" in Chinese. At the same time, those English words were retrieved in ProQuest Psychology Journals, Education Resources Information Center and Medline form January 1997 to December 2006 by imputing the same keywords in English. STUDY SELECTION: The articles about the application of the mason for autism language disorder and the ACC on the development of language in autism children were selected, no matter they included control group. DATA EXTRACTION: All the adopted articles were looked for the full texts, the repeated researches were deleted. Those books and literatures about AAC were searched. A total of 32 articles were included. There were 24 correlated to our research goal of the effect of ACC on the language and communication abilities involving 92 children with autism, and 21 of which considered that AAC could improve the language and communication ability of the children with autism, while other three articles presented the opposite conclusion. DATA EXTRACTION: Language disorder is one of the core disorders of the individuals with autism. AAC is aimed to instruct those individuals to transfer information to and communicate with others by modern computer and electric technique. Moreover, AAC helps the children with autism increase their motivates of language learning and improve their language and communication ability according to the principle of leading communication into situation naturally. CONCLUSION: AAC is an assistant technology that can improve the individual with language and communication in instruction and rehabilitation.
作者 徐静 彭宗勤
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第13期2540-2543,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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