
试析交叉学科知识点的形成机理和作用方式 被引量:5

Formation Mechanism and Interaction Mode of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Points
摘要 学科指一个专门的研究领域,现代意义的学科主要指学术的分类,即按科学知识的性质而划分的知识门类,是专门的系统化的知识体系。研究知识点跨学科的运动现象,确定有效的搜索知识点的策略是非常重要的,它可以降低选择知识点时的失败几率。按照关联度的大小、强度的大小、关联度和强度叠加、搜索中心转移、多搜索中心搜索等知识点搜索定位,跨学科知识点相互作用有:比较、二门或三门学科知识点合成、多学科知识点合成、软学科和硬学科知识点合成及共存五种方式。 Discipline in modem terms refers to the academic categorization, in other words, the type of knowledge divided by the nature of scientific knowledge and a system of professional knowledge. The research on the interdisciplinary movement of knowledge point requires effective strategies of searching knowledge point in that they can reduce the likelihood of failure. After the searching and positioning knowledge point according to the correlation, intensity, overlapping of correlation and intensity, transfer of search center, search with multiple search centers, we can find five ways of the interaction of interdisciplinary knowledge point: comparison, combination of knowledge point of two or three disciplines, combination of knowledge point of multiple disciplines, combination of knowledge point of soft and hard disciplines, and co-existence.
作者 蒋葛夫
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期15-20,共6页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 四川省软科学研究项目(2006R16-039)
关键词 交叉学科 知识点 知识点运动 理论模型 interdisciplinary knowledge point movement of knowledge point theoretical model
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