

The Night Banquet: Feng's Itch for Blockbusters
摘要 中国大片忽视了影片的伦理色彩、人文精神、思想深度,华丽的形式与苍白内容形成了巨大反差,奥斯卡情结、商业化追求和编剧的弱化是导致中国大片如此状况的原因;影片《英雄》摄取了众多中国传统元素,在暴力成为影片的突出场景时却难觅人性人文精神,它混淆了秦王统一霸业与人民和平愿望的差异,在一定程度上颠覆了“刺秦”历史观;电影作为一门综合的视听艺术,应该是诗、画、情、思的有机结合,而《十面埋伏》中的爱情恰恰缺乏人性的高贵和情感的深刻;过于强调娱乐性,过于追求风格的华丽与美艳,过度强调感官冲击力,导致《无极》忽略了对善良心灵的建构与升华,丢失了大片语义骨架之精深,没能成就大片的艺术精神境界;作为本土电影,《夜宴》“中国味道”甚淡,“东洋风味的汉文化表达”让观者有种找不到北的诧异,而对传统文化艺术精髓的隔膜和把握上的失控,限定了《夜宴》艺术品格的高度,商业票房意识的无限张扬,终使影片沦入整体空洞和庸俗命运;《满城尽带黄金甲》将精力财力都置于形式的豪奢、场面的恢弘、色彩的绚烂上,却缺乏对于剧本的精心构思,从剧情构思、人物性格到细节台词等,都采取从《雷雨》中“拿来”的拷贝方式,缺乏创造。 Recent blockbusters neglect ethics, humanism and ideological depth with a sharp contrast between their flowery forms and the insipid contents due to the Oscar complex, commercialism, and untalented playwrights. Heroes (Yingxiong) draws from many traditional Chinese elements but does not contain any humanity or humanism, confusing the First Emperor's cause of unification and the people's wish for peace and subverting the historic view about the emperor's assassination. Movies should combine poetry, pictures, emotions, and opinion, but the love story in Ambush from Ten Sides (Shi Mian Maifu) lacks the nobility of human feelings. The Promise (Wu Ji) stresses too much entertainment and magnificent style and beauty but neglects the construction and distillation of the gentle feelings so that it loses the depth of the meaningful structure typical of blockbusters and fails to reach the high spiritual level of good movies. The Night Banquet (Ye Yan) as a homemade movie has little Chinese taste since its Chinese cultural expression of a Japanese style simply disorients the viewers and its success is hindered by the alienation from, and lack of control over, the traditional artistic forms, thus leading to complete emptiness and a vulgar fate. The Curse of the Golden Flower (Man Cheng Jin Dai Huangjinjia) has injected all the resources into the extravagant forms, magnificent scenes, and fancy colors at the expense of well-constructed plots, with its characters, dialogs and other details directly “copied” from Cao Yu's Thunderstorm.
作者 陈卫炉
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 2007年第1期27-29,31,共4页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
关键词 《手机》 突破性 趋向性 电影 movies ticket office traditional culture Heroes Ambush from Ten Sides The Promise The Night Banquet Curse of the Golden Flower
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