
非政府组织与国际政治关系略论 被引量:1

A Brief Comment on the Relation Between NGO and International Politics
摘要 在当今全球化时代,NGO在国际政治舞台上日益活跃,这不仅与日趋发展的政治、经济和文化的全球化进程相辅相成,而且也是同国际政治中非理性因素不断泛滥是密切相关的。然而,国际NGO虽在国际社会的诸多领域发挥着积极的重要作用,但是囿于自身的局限性,其观念和行动都可能具有工具性和两面性,成为西方国家政府推行外交政策和和政治战略的喉舌和工具。 During the age of globalisation, NGO is playing more active role at the stage of the international politics, not only due to the supplement of the global process of ever-developing politics, economy and culture, but also due to the spreading-out of the non-rational factors in the international politics. But, however, because of the limits of itself, it can have a practical, dual character in view and action, thus becoming the mouthpiece and instrument of the Western countries in carrying out their foreign policy and political strategy.
作者 何平立
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期84-89,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 NGO 国际政治 新社会运动 联合 NGO international politics new social movement combination
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