The Jinchuan Platinun group element (PGE) deposit of the copper nickel type occurres in ultrabasic intrusions. In the whole mining area, there are more than 60 Pt(Pd) enrichment bodies rich in Pt(Pd)>1.0×10 -6 , enrichment regions with relatively high contents of Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, and penetraction type ore bodies with very high contents of Os(Ru) more than 0.4×10 -6 .As a whole, Pt and Pd are closely related to Cu, and Os,Ir,Ru,Rh are closely correlated with Ni, which indicate that PGE enrichment has indivisible correlation with Cu Ni mineralization. The chondrite nomalized patterns of the PGE belong to the Pt Pd partition type, and show geochemical characters rich in Pt, Pd and poor in Os,Ir,Ru,Rh. Based upon the host rock natures, PGE grade and differences in mineralization, PGE ores in this area can be genetically classified into four types and seven sub types, in which the Cu Ni PGE ore is a main type of PGE ores. It is indicated from studies of PGE evolution and enrichment charaters, that the PGE formed by magma liquation are predominant, while the PGE formed by hydrothermalism are extremely secondary. A principle and a mechanism are proposed, which are stratigraphic principle about magma and ore pulp of forming high content and middle low content areas during the evolution of magma, and stratigraphic system of PGE bearing magma and mineralization enrichment machanism produced by double effects of gravity differentiation and diffusion mineralization materials are from upper mantle. The Cu Ni PGE deposit is charactered by magma liquation and multistage mineralization.
Mineral Resources and Geology
PGE, Geology of ore deposit, Geochemistry, Enrichment mechanism, Mineralization, Jinchuan, Gansu