
混合制冷剂饱和液体密度的推算 被引量:2

Prediction of Saturated Liquid Density of Refrigerant Mixtures
摘要 定义了新的用于推算混合制冷剂饱和液体密度的对比温度和对比密度,发现混合制冷剂饱和液体密度与其纯组分饱和液体密度的归一化关系有同一化规律.给出在3种工况下确立混合制冷剂基准密度尺度的方法,并得到了计算混合制冷剂饱和液体密度的通用方程.最后比较了10种二元和三元混合工质的方程推算值与文献值.饱和液体密度的计算结果表明:方法(1)和方法(2)的偏差在1.5%之内,方法(3)的偏差在2%之内,方程计算精度满足工程需要. New corresponding-temperature and corresponding-density were defined for calculating saturated liquid density of refrigerant mixtures. It is found that the relationship between saturated liquid corresponding-density and corresponding-temperature for refrigerant mixtures accorded with that for pure-components. The characteristic densities were calculated with three methods and the generalized equation was achieved to calculate saturated liquid density of refrigerant mixtures. In addition, the calculated values by the equation were compared with the values in literature for five ternary and binary refrigerant mixtures. Their deviations were less than 1.5% for method (1) and method (2), and less than 2% for method (3). The accuracy can meet the requirements of engineering applications.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期534-537,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金(50336020)
关键词 混合制冷剂 推算 对比 饱和液体密度 refrigerant mixture prediction corresponding state saturated liquid density
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