交流耦合的硅条探测器有较高的电压跨接在耦合电容上面,坏的耦合电容使约50V 电压加到 SVX 器件,测量了坏的耦合电容对 SVXD(rod soft 3 μm)、SVXH(rad soft 1.2 μm)和 SVX2b(tad soft 1.2 μm)放大器/读出器件的影响.试验结果表明,当一个过载电压直接加到一个 SVX 道时,相邻的一些道发生饱和,这种效应是由于在 SVX 基片内的电流扩散而不是探测器的表面电流形成的。文中讨论了饱和量大小和可能的解决途径。
AC coupled silicon detectors,being used for the D0 upgrade,may have substantial voltage across the cou- pling capacitor.Failed capacitors can present 50 V to the input of the SVX(Silicon Vertex)device.We mea- sured the effects that failed detector coupling capacitors have on the SVXD,SVXH and SVX2h amplifier/read- out devices.The test results show that neighboring channels saturate when an excessive voltage is applied di- rectly to a SVX channel.We believe that the effects are due to current diffusion within the SVX substrate rather than surface currents on the detectors.This paper discusses the magnitude of the saturation and a possible solu- tion to the problem.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology