The pH-sensitive polyacrylic acid (PAA) hydrogels were synthesized by gamma-ray irradiation at an am- bient temperature. The influences of dose, monomer concentration, cross-linking agent content, pH, and ionic strength on the swelling ratio (SR) of the PAA hydrogels were investigated in detail. The results show that the SR of the hy- drogel decreases with an increase in the dose, monomer concentration, and cross-linking agent content. In alkaline so- lution, the SR of the hydrogels is much higher than that in acid solution. Also, the ionic strength can influence the SR of the hydrogels. The more the concentration, the lower the
The pH-sensitive polyacrylic acid (PAA) hydrogels were synthesized by gamma-ray irradiation at an ambient temperature. The influences of dose, monomer concentration, cross-linking agent content, pH, and ionic strength on the swelling ratio (SR) of the PAA hydrogels were investigated in detail. The results show that the SR of the hydrogel decreases with an increase in the dose, monomer concentration, and cross-linking agent content. In alkaline solution, the SR of the hydrogels is much higher than that in acid solution. Also, the ionic strength can influence the SR of the hydrogels. The more the concentration, the lower the SR.
Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (0611023900)
pH-sensitive behavior, Polyacrylic acid hydrogels, Radiation synthesis