

Er^3+-doped Phospho-tellurite Glass for Planaroptical Waveguide Amplifier
摘要 制备并研究了掺Er^3+磷碲酸盐玻璃的热力学稳定性、吸收光谱、荧光光谱、Raman光谱和上转换发光性能。应用McCamaber理论计算了Er^3+离子从能级^4I13/2到能级^4I15/2跃迁的受激发射截面并分析了掺Er^3+磷碲酸盐玻璃带宽特性和上转换发光性能。结果表明由于五氧化二磷的加入碲酸盐玻璃的各项性能参数都有所变化,掺Er^3+磷碲酸盐玻璃具有较高的热稳定性、较好的带宽特性,同时上转换发光得到了较好的抑制,这说明其是一种优良的宽带平面光波导放大器的潜在的基质材料。 Er^3+ -doped phosphor-tellurite glass was fabricated and studied by the thermal stability, absorption spectrum, fluorescence spectrum, Raman spectrum and upconversion spectrum. The stimulated emission cross-section of ^4I13/2→^4I15/2 transitions were calculated by McCumber theory and bandwidth property and upconversion luminescence of Er^3+ -doped phosphor-tellurite glass were analyzed. Result showed that optical and physical properties of tellurite glass were all changed as the addition of P2O5 and it has higher thermal stability, good bandwidth property, and upconversion luminescence was controlled efficiently, These results indicate that Er^3+ -doped phosphor-tellurite glass can be used as a potential host material for planar optical waveguide amplifiers.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第E01期344-347,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(50502030 60508014)和浙江省科技计划项目(2007C21123)
关键词 磷碲酸盐玻璃 铒离子 Er^3+光谱性质 phosphor-tellurite glass Er^3+ ions spectroscopic properties
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