326 species of spiders belonging to 26 families are recorded from the Bolshekhekhtsyrski State Nature Reserve,of them 70 are new records for the reserve and six are new to the fauna of Russia:Asperthorax borealis Ono et Saito,2001; Cyclosa kumadai Tanikawa,1992; Cyclosa okumae Tanikawa,1992(earlier it was identified as C. argenteoalba Bosenberg et Strand,1906); Haplodrassus taepaikensis Paik,1992; Hypselistes fossilobus Fei et Zhu,1993; and Pachygnatha gaoi Zhu et al.,2003. The name Pronous minutus (S. Saito,1939) is synonymized with Pronoides brunneus Schenkel,1936. The male of H. taepaikensis is illustrated for the first time. Composition of the fauna is briefly discussed; 41% of the recorded species have their ranges confined to the SE Palaearctics. By its species diversity,the reserve's fauna is the second largest local fauna eastward of the Urals. An expected spider diversity of this reserve is likely to be over 400 species.
326 species of spiders belonging to 26 families are recorded from the Bolshekhekhtsyrski State Nature Reserve, of them 70 are new records for the reserve and six are new to the fatma of Russia: Asperthorax borealis Ono et Saito, 2001; Cyclosa kumadai Tanikawa, 1992; Cyclosa okumae Tanikawa, 1992(earlier it was identified as C. argenteoalba BSsenberg et Strand, 1906); Haplodrassus taepaikensis Paik, 1992; Hypselistes fossilobus Fei et Zhu, 1993; andPachygnatha gaoi Zhu et al., 2003. The name Pronous minutus (S. Saito, 1939) is synonymized with Pronoides brunneus Schenkel, 1936. The male ofH. taepaikensis is illustrated for the first time. Composition of the fauna is briefly discussed; 41% of the recorded species have their ranges confined to the SE Palaearctics. By its species diversity, the reserve' s fauna is the second largest local fauna eastward of the Urals. An expected spider diversity of this reserve is likely to be over 400 species.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica