
TDR技术在石灰炉渣加固土中的应用 被引量:5

Application of TDR in LKD modified soils
摘要 石灰炉渣和水泥炉渣常用于加固路基土。石灰炉渣含有除石灰以外的其它化学物质,因此,石灰炉渣加固土的性质比石灰加固土更加复杂。本文试验研究了石灰炉渣加固土的电学特性和强度增长的规律,应用TDR技术测得加固土的电导率随土中化学反应进行的变化规律,提出用双曲线模型反映不同掺入量的加固土电导率的变化与强度增长的规律。与传统的测试方法相比,TDR技术有助于了解石灰炉渣与土之间的化学反应对加固土性质的影响,对于控制压实质量非常有效。 By-product materials like lime kiln dust (LKD), cement kiln dust, and fly ash are usually used to modify pavement subgrades. The behavior of soils modified with LKD was more complex than that with lime due to the presence of various compounds besides lime in LKD. The electrical conductivity behavior and the development of shear strength of LKD modified soils were described. The chemical processes were tracked with the variation of electrical conductivity of soil monitored by time domain reflectrometry (TDR) technology. Hyperbolic-type models were proposed to estimate the LKD dosage and to predict the development of shear strength with the variation of electrical conductivity. Compared with the conventional test methods, the use of TDR was expected to provide better understanding of the rate and extent of chemical reactions between chemical modifiers like LKD and soil and be useful for compaction quality control.
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期676-683,共8页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50308026) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50538080)
关键词 TDR 石灰矿渣 介电常数 电导率 强度 time-domain reflectrometry lime kiln dust dielectric constant electrical conductivity strength
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