
1.318μm近红外激光对皮肤损伤效应的研究 被引量:5

Skin Injury Threshold of 1.318μm Infrared Laser Exposure
摘要 目的研究1.318μm近红外激光对皮肤的损伤效应,确定损伤阈值并观察损伤修复情况。方法以普通白色仔猪为实验动物,以输出波长1.318μm的Nd∶YAG激光照射猪躯干两侧皮肤。损伤阈值实验时以肉眼可见红斑反应为判定标准,于照后即刻观察皮肤红斑发生率,采用加权概率单位法计算红斑发生率为50%时所对应的激光剂量,即损伤阈值ED50。损伤修复观察实验所用激光剂量均高于损伤阈值,于照后即刻至49 d观察皮肤损伤修复情况。结果1.318μm激光致仔猪皮肤损伤的阈值剂量为9.2J/cm2。随着激光剂量的提高,皮肤损伤反应依次表现为暂时性红斑反应、持续性红斑反应、白色凝固斑、淡褐色(炭化)凝固斑。损伤修复所需的时间依次为数分钟、数天、十余天、数十天。结论1.318μm激光可致仔猪皮肤损伤的阈值剂量ED50为9.2J/cm2。激光剂量越高,皮肤损伤越重,修复所需时间越长。 Objective To investigate injury effects of white piglet skin exposed to 1. 318 μm laser, establish ED50 and observe recovery process. Methods A neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser was used to deliver 1. 318μm laser to the skin of 6 piglets. The immediate purpuric effect was observed for determine of ED50 right after laser exposure. The skin injury recovery process was observed from 0 h to 49 d, the laser doses used for which were higher than ED50. Results The ED50 for 1. 318μm laser exposure to white piglet skin was determined to be 9. 2 J/cm^2. With the increase in laser dose, skin injury was observed to be temporarily purpuric, prolonged purpuric, white coagulated and hazel coagulated (carbonization) spot. The time needed for injury recovery was a few minutes, several days, more than ten days and tens of days. Conclusions The established white piglet skin ED50 for 1. 318μm laser exposure is 9. 2 J/cm^2. The higher the laser dose used, the heavier the skin injury be observed and the longer the time be needed for recovery.
出处 《中国激光医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期69-72,133-134,共6页 Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery
基金 全军"十一五"医药卫生专项课题资助(06Z063) 国家自然科学基金资助(30600493)
关键词 激光 皮肤 损伤阈值 损伤修复 Laser Skin Threshold Injury. recovery
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