

Preventing from serious test anxiety for school in non-test season
摘要 考试过度焦虑有严重危害,研究有效的缓解考试过度焦虑的方法是非常必要的。实践中发现,人们似乎并不太重视考生平时心理状态的调节,而是在考试过度焦虑出现时才寻找对策。学校预防考试过度焦虑应该从非考试季节抓起。本文从学生主体因素和外在的客观因素两方面分析了非考试季节考试过度焦虑的原因,并从提高学习考试能力、培养良好的心理素质、调适压力和提高心理学知识水平四方面提出了在非考试季节预防学生考试过度焦虑的措施。 Serious test anxiety is very dangerous, so it is necessary to find some effective approaches to reduce test anxiety. It is found from many practices that people always try to solve serious test anxiety when it has appeared instead of considering how to adjust for examinees in their daily life. It is important for school to prevent from test anxiety when it is in the non-test seasons. The article first analyses the cause of serious test anxiety in non-test season from students themselves and objective factors, then advances some measures to resist serious test anxiety from four aspects: improving ability to learn and deal with exams; develop better mental ability;adjusting pressure; enriching psychological knowledge.
作者 马芳
出处 《井冈山医专学报》 2007年第3期15-16,27,共3页 Journal of Jinggangshan Medical College
关键词 非考试季节 考试过度焦虑 预防 non-test season, serious test anxiety, prevent
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