The term cogenetic deposit is proposed to describe those formed through a combination of endogenetic and exogenetic processes, operating simultaneously at or proximal to the Earth's surface. In terms of ore-forming factors, deposits of this type can be further divided into two classes. The first class is genetically related to materials and heat sources derived from a depth but accumulated at or near the Earth's surface. The second refer to deposits formed at depth with materials from the Earth's surface. Based on formation environment, cogenetic deposits can be divided into submarine and continental types. Submarine sedimentary exhalation deposits are a typical example of submarine cogenetic deposit, whereas geothermal and part of oil and gas fields belong to continental ones. The xenothermal iron deposits formed in extremely open structural system in Ningwu volcanic basin can also be taken as an example of Cogenetic deposit, despite the temperature of mineralizing fluids are fairly high and associated with magmatic processes. The concept of cogenetic deposits in the ore deposits taxonomy represents an advance in metallogenic theories, and requires more systematic understanding of the temporal and spatial relationship between mineralization and other geological processes and the transport and accumulation of ore-forming materials as well.
Geological Science and Technology Information
classification of mineral deposit
cogenetic deposit
genesis of deposit