The effects of different doses of recombinant streptokinase (r SK) on canine coronary thrombotic occulsion were studied. Twenty six dogs were divided into five groups: the negative controlnormal saline solution (NS) group, r SK 15 000UI/kg group, r SK 30 000UI/kg group, r SK 60 000UI/kg group, and positive control SK 3 000 UI/kg group. After inducing thrombi (human plasma+fibrinogen+thrombase after coagulating for an hour) into a diagonal branch of the left anterior descended on the coronary angiogram. In r SK treated groups the elevated ST segment restored but heart rate did not change significangly. The coronary angiograms showed that r SK dissolved the voronary thrombi. The number of the canine with thrombolysis increased with the doses of r SK. The r SK did not influence clot time and prothrombin time, but prolonged the euglobulin clot lysis time, decreased plasminogen content in blood plasma and increased the D dimer of the fibrin degradation product. The myocardial infarct area was significantly smaller in r SK group than that in NS group. The results of this study proved that recombinant streptokinase given intravenously can dissolve the coronary thrombi.
Chinese Journal of Cardiology