Hip joint dislocations are generally classified as anterior,posterior,and central dislocations.In 1970s,the anterior dislocation was divided into pubic type and obturator type.It is generally recognized that for anterior dislocation of the hip joint, the femoral head is located at anteriorinferior part of the acetabulum,characterized clinically as abduction,
Hip joint dislocations are generally classified as anterior, posterior, and central dislocations. In 1970s, the anterior dislocation was divided into pubic type and obturator type. It is generally recognized that for anterior dislocation of the hip joint, the femoral head is located at anteriorinferior part of the acetabulum, characterized clinically as abduction, extorsion, slight flexion deformity, and longer limb than the opposite side. When posterior dislocation is present, the femoral head is located at posteriorsuperior part of the acetabulum and manifested clinically as flexion, adduction, intorsion, and shortening deformity.