
Application of a new-type sutureless anastomosis stent to the primary reconstruction of the bilioenteric continuity after acute bile duct injury in dogs

Application of a new-type sutureless anastomosis stent to the primary reconstruction of the bilioenteric continuity after acute bile duct injury in dogs
摘要 Objective: To evaluate the effect of a new-type sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent that was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity (primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs ). Methods: Establishing an animal model of acute bile duct injury with severe inflammation and bile peritonitis in dogs. The newtype sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily. Results: The experiment group anastomosis healed well with a mild local inflammation reaction, and the collagen lined up in order without the occurrence of observable bile leakage and infection. Conclusion: It was safe and feasible to use the new-type anastomosis stent to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a new-type sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent that was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity (primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs ). Methods: Establishing an animal model of acute bile duct injury with severe inflammation and bile peritonitis in dogs. The newtype sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily. Results: The experiment group anastomosis healed well with a mild local inflammation reaction, and the collagen lined up in order without the occurrence of observable bile leakage and infection. Conclusion: It was safe and feasible to use the new-type anastomosis stent to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs.
出处 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2007年第3期151-154,共4页 南京医科大学学报(英文版)
基金 The study was supported by science and technology project founda-tion of Shanxi Province of China. (2005K11-G4)
关键词 magnet stent bile duct injury bilioenteric anastomosis RECONSTRUCTION magnet stent bile duct injury bilioenteric anastomosis reconstruction
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