FA528型细纱机箱体铸件,材质HT200,轮廓尺寸840 mm×736 mm,主要壁厚12 mm,最大壁厚30 mm,重236 kg,呋喃树脂自硬砂型。用大孔出流理论设计浇口杯一内浇道二单元顶雨淋浇注系统,用均衡凝固收缩模数法核算浇注系统的补缩能力。设计结果:长盆形浇口杯上宽60 mm,下底宽30 mm,长430 mm;下设7只(?)14 mm雨淋内浇道,在浇注系统的对侧设置溢流排气胃口。经3 800件批量生产验证,铸件没有冷隔、浇不足、缩孔、气孔类铸造缺陷。表明采用均衡凝固收缩模数法计算铸件的补缩是实用、可靠的。
The dimension of the case casting in the FA528 spinning machine is 840 mm in length, 736 mm in width, and 256 mm in height. The main thickness and the largest thickness of the casting is 12 mm and 30 mm respectively. The total weight and material of the casting are 236 kg and HT200 respectively. The casting is molded by self-hardening furan resin sand. The top shower gate system with pouring cup and ingates is designed by large orifice discharge theory and the feeding ability of the gating system is verified by the proportional solidification moduli calculation method. The calculated results is as follows: the dimension of long basin shape pouring cup is 60 mm in the top width, 30 mm in the bottom width and 430 mm in length; 7 shower ingates with 14 mm in diameter are laid on the bottom of basin shape pouring cup; the overflow degassing riser is set on the opposite of the gating system. Batch production with 3 800 castings shows there are no cold shut, misrun, shrinkage and blowhole, subsequently it indicates that the proportional solidification moduli method to calculate feeding is practical and reliable.
Foundry Technology
Top shower gate system
Feeding design of gating system
Cast iron case casting