目的了解安徽省艾滋病综合防治示范区/全球基金艾滋病项目地区艾滋病病毒感染者/病人的艾滋病知识和行为状况,为评估项目前期执行效果和制订后期计划提供依据。方法采取整群抽样方法,对8个县(市、区)1 126名艾滋病病毒感染者/病人进行问卷调查。结果艾滋病知识知晓率为92.01%,传播途径和非传播途径知晓率分别为82.42%和86.59%;与配偶最近1次安全套使用率和最近3次安全套坚持使用率分别达91.42%和81.83%,明显高于基线调查结果;在婚外性行为中,最近1次安全套使用率和最近3次安全套坚持使用率分别为77.78%和55.56%;VCT服务的利用率达到94.05%,无偿献血知识知晓率为57.02%。结论我省项目地区艾滋病病毒感染者/病人艾滋病知识知晓率和配偶间安全套使用率有所上升,但无偿献血知识知晓率和婚外性行为安全套使用率较低。因此今后应大力开展艾滋病防治知识和无偿献血知识宣传,增强安全套使用的干预力度,提高感染者和病人的安全套使用率和知识知晓率。
Objective To identify the levels of AIDS knowledge and behavior among people living with HIV/AIDS ( PL- WHA ) and to evaluate the impact of AIDS project and assess the needs for future activities. Methods Using cluster sampiing method, 1126 PLWHAs were interviewed in eight project counties. A structured questionnaire was anonymously administered face - to - face for each participant. Results Among 1126 PLWHAs, the rate of the right answers on AIDS knowledge was 92.01%. The awareness rate of HIV transmission routes was 82.42% , and 86.59% for HIV non - transmission mutes. The rates of condom use with spouse were 91.42% in the last sexual intercourse and 81.83% in the last three intercourses. Both were higher than the baseline. With causal partners, the two rates were only 77.78% and 55. 56%. The rate of using voluntary counseling and test (VCT) was 94.05%. The rate of knowing voluntary blood donation was only 57.02%. Conclusion The rates of AIDS awareness and condom use with spouse were higher than baseline, but the rates of knowing voluntary blood donation and condom use with extramarital partners were low. Health education and behavior intervention will be strengthened to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and voluntary blood donation, and the rate of condom use among people living with HIV/AIDS in project areas in Anhui.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
People living with HIV/AIDS
AIDS knowledge
Questionnaire survey