
农村社区症状性筛选胃癌的临床研究 被引量:1

Clinical research of countryside symptomatic detection of early gastric cancer
摘要 目的探讨农村地区症状性筛选胃癌,尤其是早期胃癌的重要性和可能性。方法2001年1月至2006年6月间在上海市南汇区航头社区卫生服务中心,对主诉为上腹隐痛饱胀不适的2 717例开展胃镜筛查胃癌研究。结果胃镜活检病理证实食管癌6例(0.22%),胃癌73例(2.69%);手术病理证实进展期胃癌66例(占检出胃癌的90.42%),其中7例未发现转移,59例发现转移;早期胃癌7例(占检出胃癌的9.58%)。结论加强胃癌知识宣传,加强专业人员的技术培训,提高内镜下对早期胃癌的识别能力,农村基层医疗单位亦能检出一定数量的早期胃癌。 Objective To explore the importance and probability of symptomatic screening of gastric cancer and especially early cancer in the countryside regions, Methods During January 2001 to June 2006, 2717 cases presented with upper abdominal pain, discomfort and distention were screened for gastric cancer at the community clinic center of Hangtou, Nanhui district of Shanghai using the method of endoscopy. Results Six cases (0.22%) of esophageal cancers and 73 cases (2.69%) of gastric cancer were confirmed in the study. Among the gastric cancer patients, seven cases (9.58% of the total gastric cancer patients) were diagnosed as early gastric cancer while 66 cases as advanced cancer consisting of 7 non - metastatic tumors and 59 metastatic ones. Conclusion By putting efforts in the publicity of patients' knowledge on gastric cancer, strenthening the training on endoscopists and enhancing the diagnostic skills of early cancer, a certain amount of early gastric cancers could be screened out in medical facilities in the suburban districts.
出处 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2007年第2期119-121,共3页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
关键词 早期胃癌 农村 症状性筛查 内镜 Early gastric cancer Suburban areas Screening Endoscopy
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