The aims of this report were to understand the relationship between neural rim loss and retinal nerve fiber layer defects (RNFLD), and to evaluate the sensitivity of various methods for following up optic nerve damages in glaucoma. Two methods were used to evaluate the rim loss and RNFLD: 1. Routine method by parallel projecting serial photographs of an eye (a forlmer and a latter one) to evaluate the differences in neural rim, optic cup and RNFL. 2.Flicker comparison of 2 serial stereo photographs of an eye under stereo view was used to monitor the changes of neural rim by alternatively rapidly disp-laying the pairs overlapped correctly; if changes was present, jumping movement appears between alterna-tive views. 836 eyes of 451 patients with glaucoma and suspect glaucoma were followed with a mean of 2. 8±1. 3 years of follow-up. 23 cases of rim chan-ges were discovered by the routine method, 90 eyes of the changes by flick comparison. The smallest local and diffuse challges of rim loss were 0. 032mm2 and 0. 048mm2 respectively. Monitoring the rim chan-ges with flicker method and monitoring RNFLD with routine method werc compared. For changes of localized damage, 28 cases with rim loss were disco-vered with flicker method, in whom 12 cases were not accompanied by RNFLD changes, while, 17 cascs with RNFLD changes were discovered by routine me-thod, of,whom only did 1 case do not accompanied by rim loss. For changes of diffuse damage, there were 26 cases of rim loss discovered by the flicker method, of them 20 cases did not have any RNFLD changes. 6 cases had RNFLD changes discovered by routine method, and all of them had rim loss.
Ophthalmology in China