
《世说新语》早慧现象探究 被引量:3

Study on Phenomena of Precocity in New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages
摘要 《世说新语》中论及早慧的条目甚多,《夙惠》一门著录七条,其他门类称美早慧者尚有31条之多,旁及者又数条。考察其特异的资质或品格,可分为四类:年少老成,仪容稳重;器识超卓,胸有定见;敏悟神理,好学深思;便言捷辩,谙于情理。魏晋人心目中,“问”重于“学”。然而“思”又重于“问”,而“思”又依靠于个人的领悟力,追求特异的见解,天资于是受到魏晋人的极端重视,而早慧正是最先将这卓越的天资展示出来的方式。各家学说在魏晋,被一种相同的倾向——即对抽象思维的热衷——拉在了一起,学术特点终究要落实到对抽象思维、思辨能力的诉求上,神悟敏会的早慧,也正是他们期待的学术中坚。魏晋,是人的觉醒的时代,注重早慧亦是人对自身之美的自觉与爱赏。 Precocity is often mentioned in New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages. In the story “Su Hui”, there are seven parts of descriptions and records about precocity, and the other ways to describe precocious children are of thirty-one parts, not to speak of the men who were mentioned by others. Examining on their particular intelligence and characters, they can be divided into four kinds: the one who is young but mature and looks steady and modest; the one whose manner and knowledge are excellent and who has his own ideas; the one who is intelligent and wise and who is willing to learn and think; the one who is skilled at debate and conversation. In the view of the people in the age of Wei and Jin, "asking" was more important than "learning". However, the "thinking" was more important then "asking", and "thinking" depended upon one's personal perception. So dowry was extremely valued by the people in the age of Wei and Jin, and precocity was just the way to show one's talent. All kinds of theories in the period of Wei and Jin were drawn by one trend: the zeal for abstract thinking. The academic traits would be carried out through the appeal to abstract thought and thinking ability, and the precocity of epiphany was lust their expected learning pillar. The period of Wei and Jin Dynasty is the age for man's awakening, and paying attention to precocity is man's consciousness and appreciation to his own beauty.
作者 吕菊
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期94-98,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 早慧 类型 思辩 自觉 precocity type thinking consciousness
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