
清初徽州的里编制和增图 被引量:17

The Formation of Li System and Documents With Added Plans in Huizhou in Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 清初徽州各县和明代一样,里的增减现象持续着。特别是康熙三十年祁门县一共增加了3个里。但方志中只是简单地提到了这个事实,《清康熙四十二年词卷》保存了康熙二十六年到三十年间围绕祁门县的增图文书,为进一步研究提供了可能。文章首先对清初徽州各县里制的变动,特别是以祁门县为中心进行整理,然后借此对当时祁门县里增加的具体契机和情况进行考察。在清初的徽州各县,里的增减虽不时反复,但从整体上来看不过是局部性的变化,里制的变动看起来是在最小化的范围中进行的。里的增减无可争辩地表现了里甲制原本带有的不稳定性。但与此同时,这种增减变动的事实本身也从另一个角度证明了当时的里甲制具备一定实用性。 As was the case in Ming Dynasty, the phenomenon of Li units (one Li consisting of 25 households), which were frequently increased or decreased, continued in all the counties of Huizhou in early Qing Dynasty. Especially in the 30^th year of Emperor Kang Xi' s rule, Qimen County in Anhui saw the increase of three Li units, which is merely mentioned in the loeai records. Ci File in the Forty -Second Year ofKang Xi contains documents with added plans of households in Qimen County from the 26^th to 30^th year of Kang Xi, which make it possible for further research. This paper first straightens out the changes in Li system in every county of Huizhou during the early period of Qing Dynasty, concentrating upon those in Qimen County. Next, the paper investigates the concrete turning points and circumstances where Li units were increased in Qimen County. In all the counties of Huizhou at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the increase and decrease of Li units were frequent occurrences, but they were only local changes in view of the situation as a whole. It seems that the changes in the Li household system took place in the minimized confines. The increase and decrease of Li units demonstrate beyond all disputes the inherent instability of the Li and Jia ( one Jia comprising several households) household systems. But at the same time, such increase and decrease of household units show from a different angle that the Li and Jia household systems were somewhat practical.
作者 权仁溶
机构地区 韩国高丽大学
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期100-106,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 清初 徽州 里甲制 明清史研究 in early Qing Dynasty, Huizhou, the Li and Jia household systems, research on the history of Ming Dynasty and that of Qing Dynasty
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